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Essential Herbs For Lucid Dreaming 

Workshop Replay/Digital Download Only

(Workshop Format: Mp4 & PDF)


Awaken your ability to lucid dream with the power of herbs.


Do you remember what you dreamt about last night? How about the night before?


For thousands of years, we humans have placed a ton of value on the content of these bedtime reveries. It's a powerful opportunity to solve problems, create new possibilities, take charge of your own healing, and explore the depths of reality.


In this dreaming circle, you will discover the magical qualities of herbs that help to promote lucid and divinatory dreaming (as well as more meaningful dreams and restful sleep). You’ll also sample and learn about the herbal allies that can activate your intuition, assist you in dreams, and ceremonies.


About the Session

A lucid dream is a dream in which you become aware that you're dreaming. Through the process, you will discover a world of wisdom, adventure, insight, healing, and a parallel reality that can nourish and support your waking life.


We will explore and sample the top 20 herbs that support dream work like African Dream Beans, Wild Asparagus Root, Blue Lotus Flower, Mexican Dream Herb, and many more! By the end of this workshop, you will become adept at identifying a variety of oneirogens (dream herbs) from all around the world. You will learn how to engage with all of them for consciousness exploration, creative inspiration, soul growth, problem-solving, and self-healing.


Note: The herbs used in this session are all 100% legal, but not always easy to get ahold of. Please do not try them until you complete the workshop recording. Herbs are medicine, and they should be treated with proper caution. These plants each have a variety of other medicinal uses, but we’re focusing primarily on their lucid dreaming effects.


This is a unique, fun, and informative class for the beginner and experienced herbal enthusiast.


Want more hands-on learning? Click here to grab an herbal kit!

Essential Herbs For Lucid Dreaming Workshop Replay

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